Aug 16Liked by Mark Davis

What about the arbitrary decision to send absentee ballot requests to 6.9 million? That also violated the law, and was the result of an illegal consent decree between Rathlisberger and Stacy Abrams - the basis for Georgia being included as one of the four states that ran their elections illegally in the Texas lawsuit filed Dec 13 2020.

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Aug 17Liked by Mark Davis

And if staffing was a problem - who then verified all the absentee Ballot signatures?

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Interesting term was used by the Georgia attorney. Administrative law., which would put us under maritime law. But wait, we’re on land right?

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As you enter the double doors of a court room; you have entered into Maritime Law, little did you know, as you are now subjected to their cronyism and corrupt back door ways of home cooking; as they do Not follow the Rule of Law!

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At the time Raffensperger mailed out unsolicited absentee ballot requests to all Georgian voters, I smelled a rat. This is a measure taken in order to encourage voter theft. I knew the steal was in and sure enough, the facts support this. Those who violated Georgia law must be held accountable to the full extent of the law! Georgia voters know our votes were compromised. Georgia Elections ARE in a State of Emergency!

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What motive would the republicans have? Did they get approval for gambling from the left? Are the republicans profiting off such a deal?

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Well it would appear SOME Republicans didn’t think through the decision to mail out 6.9 absentee ballot applications, and chose to address that problem by violating the law.

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They let us recount the votes but refused to let us Authenticate the votes or prove they were not fake ballots? The public doesn't understand this part. And did mail in ballots disappear from Fulton County?

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